School meals

Transitional protection is ending on the 25th March 2025

If your child is currently in receipt of Free School Meals, their entitlement will be protected until this time and will continue until the end of the child’s current phase of education.

If your child is currently in primary school their protected entitlement will cease on the last day of year 6. There is no need to reapply, we will perform an ECS check and will advise your child’s new secondary school if you are still entitled.

If your child is currently in secondary school their protected entitlement will cease on the last day of year 11.

Free school meals

Every child in reception, year 1 or year 2 at school is automatically offered free school meals, without parents or carers having to apply.

If your child attends a state-funded school and you receive any of the benefits listed below, you can apply for them to get free school meals up to year 11. You don't have to apply up to year 2 but, if you do, you child's school will receive extra government funding.

Who is eligible

Your child may be eligible for free school meals if you receive either:

  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit – provided you're not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190
  • Universal Credit – provided your total net earnings are no more than £616.67 each month
  • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

Your child must be attending a state-funded school in the Thurrock area. If your child attends a school outside of Thurrock, you must apply to the council for the area in which they attend school.

You may also be able to claim free school meals for your child if you have 'no recourse to public funds' – for example, if you cannot claim benefits.

When you must apply

You must make a new application for your child to start receiving free school meals, even if their siblings already receive free school meals.

When you have to register

If you've moved to Thurrock and had been assessed as eligible for free school meals in the area you moved from, you only have to register with us – you don't have to make a new application.

When you don't have to apply

You don't have to make a new application

  • At the start of each school year – even if your child's school says you should.
  • If your child changes their school in-year within Thurrock.
  • If your child moves from primary to secondary school within Thurrock – We will undertake checks to ensure your child is still eligible and will notify your child’s secondary school accordingly.

How to apply or register

To make a new application, you must use the online form below. When applying, select 'create an account' if you don't already have a Thurrock Council account for free school meals, free 2 year-old childcare or school admissions.

Free school meals applications

If your child has been assessed as eligible for free school meals in an area outside Thurrock, you can use the registration form below. The child must:

  • have been assessed as eligible at the age of 3 years-old or older
  • now be in full-time education within Thurrock
  • still be eligible for free school meals

Registration for families already assessed

When we receive your details

We process details within 5 working days. If we ask you to provide evidence, you must send it to us within 2 weeks using the email address below.

After your details have been processed, we will send you an email telling you the outcome. If your child is eligible, we will:

  • tell your child's school that your child is entitled to free school meals
  • let you know that this entitlement has been confirmed

Entitlements are not backdated.

Continued eligibility

We will perform an ECS check every term, to ensure you are still entitled, for all children entitled after the 01st April 2025. The ECS checker links directly to the DWP website to check for eligible benefits. If evidence is required, or you are no longer entitled, we will notify you accordingly.

Contacting us

Do not contact us to ask how your application is progressing as we won't be able to tell you.

You should only contact us directly by email if you need to send us supporting evidence or if you are having technical difficulties with our online system.

Education Awards and Benefits
Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6SL
