Travel strategies

Strategy documents

We produce strategies for travel, transport and highways in Thurrock.

Documents on developing an Enhanced Partnership for bus services are at the end of this page.

Transport strategies, policies and plans

We are currently working on a new interim Thurrock Transport Strategy (TTS).

We arranged a 'screening' exercise in June 2022 to check whether we would need to carry out a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) on the potential environmental effects of the new strategy. This exercise found that a SEA is needed.

As the first step in carrying out a full SEA, we have prepared a 'scoping' report. This report sets out our approach and includes relevant environmental, economic and social information. We consulted on this report from 13 June 2022 to 15 July 2022.

Our SEA screening and scoping documents can be downloaded below.


Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

Thurrock’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) is a high-level plan setting out the principles of planning and delivering walking, wheeling (includes wheelchairs, mobility scooters and other wheeled devices) and cycling networks in the borough to enable more short-distance trips to be made by walking, wheeling and cycling.

The plan identifies potential interventions for making it easier and safer to walk and cycle. Each potential intervention is considered deliverable and in accordance with relevant guidance. Interventions will be followed by further studies, design work and engagement or consultation prior to their delivery. The plan is subject to resources and funding being available.

The most common interventions are the following:

  • Crossing and junction improvements - parallel, zebra and toucan crossings, raised tables, continuous pavement, drop kerbs, junction layout modifications
  • Footway improvements - widen footways, remove barriers, improve ramps
  • Traffic management - modal filters
  • Traffic calmed streets - speed limit reductions
  • Cycle facilities - segregated cycle lanes
  • School streets - temporary traffic restrictions
  • Shared paths improvements - widen paths, removal of barriers

A full description of the proposals can be found in the appendix A.

Highway strategies, policies and plans

Traffic management and air quality

Funding applications

Department for Transport - Local Highways Maintenance Challenge Fund

Enhanced Partnership for bus services

Our Enhanced Partnership plan for bus services was made on 1 March 2024.. An Enhanced Partnership is an opportunity for us to work more closely with bus operators and other partners to improve bus services within the borough.

Under the government's national bus strategy, published in March 2021, we are required to enter into an Enhanced Partnership to make using the bus more attractive for residents, workers and visitors in Thurrock. This includes improving bus routes, bus frequencies and fares – for example:

  • making improvements that avoid buses becoming stuck in congestion, resulting in faster journeys
  • increasing how often buses run on the most popular routes
  • reducing the cost of using the bus through daily and weekly fare caps

Through its national bus strategy, the government wants buses to be used more widely. The Enhanced Partnership gives us a bigger say in how this can happen. For about more the national bus strategy and the Enhanced Partnership process, go to GOV.UK: Bus back better – national bus strategy.