Missed bin collection

Missed bins, Tuesday 4 March

Some Round A, Green/Grey bins could not be collected today in Ockendon. Crews will attempt to collect these tomorrow, Wednesday 5 March. All Blue bins were collected from Round B streets.  All subscribers' brown bins and food waste bins were collected from Round A streets. 

Missed bins

Sometimes we may not be able to empty your bins on the day we said we would.

This can be due to events we can’t control, such as:

  • roads being blocked by badly parked cars
  • heavy traffic or delays at tipping sites
  • snow, ice or flooding on roads
  • a vehicle breakdown

If all the bins on your road have been missed

You do not need to contact us if all the bins on your road were missed.

If all the bins on a road have been missed, we will normally return to collect them within 2 working days – Monday to Friday – usually the following day.

Where it’s not possible to collect them within 2 working days, we will return on your next scheduled collection day – you don't need to report it to us.

Reasons we may not empty your bin

Your bin will not be emptied if:

  • it wasn’t at the edge of your property by 6am
  • it contained the wrong type of waste – check what goes in your bins
  • there was too much waste and the bin lid wasn't fully shut

Reporting that your bin was missed

If there were no obvious problems with your bins but we didn't collect them, you can report it to us. You can make a report online using our 'Report a missed bin collection' form below.

We only accept reports of missed bins from the end of our collection rounds on the day your collection was due until midnight on the second working day after your collection was due – working days are Monday to Friday, unless there are changes for public holidays.

Outside of that period you will not be able to report a missed bin collection online.

When we receive an online report of missed bin collection, we will return to collect the bin and send a reply to the email address you provide.

Report a missed bin collection

About bin collections

Each morning our teams set out to empty more than 40,000 bins.

We collect bins throughout the day, which means your recycling, refuse and kitchen and garden waste may be collected at different times.

Our drivers will only take vehicles down a road if they decide it’s safe to do so without putting other road users, property or staff at risk.