Housing works programmes

Complaints about works

We welcome your comments, good or bad. We will use your feedback to review and improve how we do things in the future.

If you have a problem, please speak to your resident liaison officer straight away. They are available to answer any queries or explain in more detail anything you may be unsure about.

Complaints process

Should you wish to make a complaint that relates to the service provided by one of our Capital Programme Contractors, please follow the Councils Formal Complaints process.

You can do so by clicking on the link to the Council’s complaints section of the website.

Make a complaint | How to complain | Thurrock Council

Incidents and accidents

Tell us if you have an incident, accident, or 'near-miss' as a result of Transforming Homes work in or around your home.

If we know about a problem, we can do something about it. More importantly, we could stop it happening again.

We report any notifiable incident to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Transforming homes - report an accident, incident or 'near-miss'

: housing@thurrock.gov.uk

You can also visit your local housing surgery.