Home education

Staying healthy

Health services for school-age children are provided by the provided by the North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT).

Thurrock school health service

Thurrock school health service:

  • offers hearing and vision screening for children aged 4 to 5 years
  • coordinates the national child measurement programme for children aged 4 to 5 years and aged 10 to 11 years
  • offers health information, support, and advice to all children, young people and their families in Thurrock

To access the Thurrock School Health service, to go NHS: Thurrock school health service. For more information on the services available, go to NHS: Thurrock 0 to 19 years brighter futures healthy families service.

Immunisation and vaccination

You can make arrangements for your child to receive any of the vaccinations listed below.

Vaccine Age groups
Flu vaccine Children in school years reception to year 10
HPV (Human Papillomavirus) All pupils in year 8
DTP (Diphtheria Tetanus Polio) All pupils in year 9
Meningitis ACWY (meningococcal bacteria A, C, W and Y) All pupils in year 9

If your child has missed their vaccination, they may still be eligible to have this. We advise you to contact the local NHS immunisation team directly to discuss this.

NHS immunisation team

: 0300 790 0597

: epunft.sw-immunisations@nhs.net