Day Care
Day Care is like a Day Centre, but for people who need help with personal or practical care and are unable to get out and about by themselves.
Professional Day Care staff can:
- support you with your personal care
- help you take medication
- providing a hot meal with drinks during the day
It's a great chance to meet friends, make new friends and take part in fun activities.
Day Care is usually provided in a residential home or community building. There are council-run centres are in Grays, South Ockendon and Stanford-le-Hope. The centre in Grays provides care for people with memory loss.
In addition, Thurrock and Brentwood Mind runs well-being groups for people diagnosed with mental health difficulties, helping them to get support, meet people and enjoy activities during the day. Go to Thurrock and Brentwood Mind: Well-being Groups.
Who can get day care
Day Care is for adults aged 65 years and over, who have been assessed as being eligible due to:
- frailty or illness
- physical or learning disabilities
- sight or hearing loss
- mental health issues
You may also be eligible for a place in Day Care if it would provide a break for your carer.
Day Care places are limited and can be costly, even if you are eligible for financial help.
We will help you fill out an assessment form to see if you can get for financial help. We will assess what you can reasonably afford to pay, rather than how many services you need. To work this out we look at your income, savings and how much you spend.
In 2019, if you are eligible for financial help the cost of Day Care is £30 a day in 2019 – the cost to you will be higher if you do not receive financial help.
The actual amount you pay will depend on how often you use Day Care. We will ask you to pay the full cost of Day Care services if you have savings or investments of £23,250 or more. You may be able to purchase the same service privately.
Many community organisations and volunteer groups offer services that could meet your needs without having to undergo an assessment or pay the cost of Day Care. This could include Day Centres instead of Day Care.
If you're not sure about what services are available near you, or how suitable they are for you, your Local Area Coordinator will be able to help.
Find out more
If you would like to ask about Day Care services, contact Thurrock First.
: 01375 511 000
Main opening hours are Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.
Limited service on Monday to Friday from 7am to 9am and 5pm to 7pm, and on weekends and bank holidays from 7am to 7pm.
Read more about Thurrock First.