Attending public meetings

Speaking at full Council meetings

You can send us a request to speak if you would like to ask a question at a full meeting of Council.

You can only make one request for each meeting, and must not make a request on behalf of anyone else. You should send your question in writing to:

Democratic Services


You must send your request by 5pm, at least 6 working days before the meeting.

We will let you know if your question has been accepted, and may suggest changes for legal reasons – read our guide to questions and statements.

If you would prefer to make a statement rather than ask a question, you must do this at an overview and scrutiny meeting instead of a full council meeting.

At the meeting

If you've been given permission to ask a question, we will help you through the process.

The agenda for each public meeting sets out the order in which subjects will be discussed.

At the start of the meeting you will be invited to sit in the public gallery.

When the time comes for you to speak, you will be called forward by the Chair – the person who is in charge of the meeting. A member of staff will guide you to your seat and show you how to use the microphone.

You will have 4 minutes in which to ask your question.

A councillor or council officer will then give a response.

Afterwards, you will have the option to ask 1 follow-up question, which must relate to your first question or the response you were given. You will have 4 minutes to ask the follow-up question.

The councillor or council officer will answer your follow-up question. You will then be thanked for your time and you will be guided back to the public gallery.

If we run out of time

If there's not enough time for you to be given a response at the meeting, a councillor or council officer will send you a formal response in writing.