The fourth Commissioners’ report detailing Thurrock Council’s progress on its improvement and recovery journey has today been published by the Government.
The report looks at Thurrock’s progress against nationally set ‘best value’ themes which include leadership, finance and governance. It covers the period from January to November 2024, during which time Thurrock held two elections (local and General) and saw a change of administration, as well as significant change in the senior leadership of the council. As it was written in late 2024, it does not reflect the more recent developments on devolution or local government reorganisation, nor the postponement of the May local elections.
Highlights of the report include recognition of:
- The commitment of the new administration to delivering the council’s improvement plans, and an understanding that they need to own this agenda and drive it forward across the wider organisation.
- The substantial progress made by the council in improving its financial position, achieving ambitious savings targets, and recovering hundreds of millions of pounds of funds.
- The completion of the Governance Review: a clear, comprehensive action plan to strengthen the authority’s governance function.
- Greater clarity for staff about the council’s direction, with the publication of the Corporate Plan, and positive shifts in internal communications.
- The significant achievement of the council receiving an Outstanding rating from Ofsted.
- The openness and transparency around the Council’s performance through the development of the performance management assurance framework - a significant step forward for the council.
- A more open approach towards residents, as set out in the council’s communications and engagement strategy, addressing residents’ distrust by providing opportunities for Members and officers to engage with the community, open a dialogue with residents and to start to rebuild this trust.
The report recognises that the council still has much to do particularly with regards to:
- Member behaviour – the report notes there are still examples where a limited number of Members have not treated officers and their decisions, or their fellow Members, with the respect and courtesy that Commissioners would expect to see within a professional organisation.
- Embedding the noted improvements across the whole council to ensure their sustainability.
- Developing a corporate risk register and ensuring the system of internal controls is robust and sufficiently resourced.
- The need for robust collective leadership, stability of leadership and a continued focus on the pace of change.
- Cross-party support for the intervention, with more visibility and engagement from the opposition.
- Ongoing engagement with Commissioners and government to explore potential long-term options to support Thurrock towards financial sustainability.
In response to the report, Baroness Taylor of Stevenage, confirmed that Dr Dave Smith has been reappointed as Managing Director Commissioner until September 2025, when the current directions will expire.
Cllr John Kent, Leader of Thurrock Council, said: “The fourth report from Commissioners is a reassuring read, setting out the progress the council made last year both in terms of getting our finances back onto a more sustainable footing, and in making improvements to the way the council is run. However, it’s clear to me that we can’t take our foot off the pedal. When I became Leader I knew that the significant problems of the past meant we had to be in it for the long haul, ensuring we make meaningful and deep-rooted changes that set us on the right path for years to come. With devolution and local government reorganisation now offering Thurrock a chance for a fresh start as part of something stronger, more resilient and better able to deliver for residents, it remains as important that we get our house in order, and continue to make savings and transform how we work.
“I am really pleased that Dave Smith has been reappointed as Managing Director Commissioner, and I look forward to working with him, with Gavin Jones, and with our new Finance Commissioner as we continue on our improvement journey. I would also like to state my heartfelt thanks to outgoing Commissioner Nicole Wood, for the contribution she has made in getting Thurrock’s finances into a better place.”